A narco kingpin escapes from a high-security Mexican prison with his son and finds refuge at a remote drug rehab facility located on the U.S. side of the border where they encounter deadly mutant zombies.
S-01 Ep-01 S-01 Ep-02 S-01 Ep-03 S-01 Ep-04 S-01 Ep-05 S-01 Ep-06 S-01 Ep-07 S-01 Ep-08Narcos vs Zombies follows the story of legendary narco kingpin Alonso Marroquin (Peris-Mencheta), who escapes from a high-security Mexican prison with his son Lucas (Nery Arredondo) and finds refuge hiding at Paradiso, a remote drug rehab facility located on the U.S. side of the border. Meanwhile, test subjects from a failed U.S. military experiment -intended to transform wounded soldiers into killing machines- are left for dead near the border, only to revive as deadly mutant zombies. In its pursuit of the runaway Marroquins, the Mexican SWAT team is infected by the newly-created zombies, becoming a zombie army in its own right. Alerted of the imminent threat that this new species represents to humanity, the U.S. Army embarks on a mission to annihilate them.