The adventures of the creatures of the most incredible metropolis: Zootopia.
S-01 Ep-01 S-01 Ep-02 S-01 Ep-03 S-01 Ep-04 S-01 Ep-05 S-01 Ep-06Well, we’re here. Something has been added to Zootopia’s universe after 6 years of silence and that thing is Zootopia+. Whilst one could expect something more grand given the success of the original movie, it could be explained by the possibility of producers having a sequel in works. If there’s any Disney movie that needs an actual sequel so badly it’s Zootopia.
Zootopia+ managed to wrap up some really unique stories for side characters, gave them more exposure, added their perspective during the original movie’s run in the background and perfectly schowcased what each of the characters struggled with. Stories like the Godfather of the Bride is a good example of origins story and struggle in the humble beginnings, while others like Duke: The Musical seems to focus more on entertainment value and character’s personality. Stories told more boldly seem to do better than those existing just for the sake of entertainment.