Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced super-soldier, defends humanity from the alien Covenant in the 26th century.
S-01 Ep-01 S-01 Ep-02 S-01 Ep-03 S-01 Ep-04 S-01 Ep-05 S-01 Ep-06 S-01 Ep-07 S-01 Ep-08 S-01 Ep-09
Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced super-soldier, defends humanity from the alien Covenant in the 26th century.
S-01 Ep-01 S-01 Ep-02 S-01 Ep-03 S-01 Ep-04 S-01 Ep-05 S-01 Ep-06 S-01 Ep-07 S-01 Ep-08 S-01 Ep-09